Wicker bar stools are a real classy act. They have a dignified and airy appeal that can not be matched by other bar stools. Despite their charm these stools are comparatively uncommon and can be difficult to find. A great many wicker bar stools are custom ordered and with most items that are custom ordered the expensive can be significant. However, give the charm of wicker outdoor furniture the expense of wicker bar stools can be worth it.
Not all wicker furniture is intended for outdoor use. You can find a great deal of wicker items for the home including many different wicker coffee tables and wicker end tables that are solely intended for interior household use. However, for the most part wicker furniture is often associated with outdoor furniture and wicker bar stools are quite often intended to be used as patio bar stools.
Outdoor patio furniture has come full circle. The patio furniture found on the wrap around porches of years gone past was most often wicker. Think, if you will, of movies set in the 1920s and 1930s like "Gone With the Wind". No other front porch furniture would have looked authentic. All of us that had parents or grandparents or other relatives that grw up on farms or in small towns will remember the sight of a few wicker rocking chairs adorning most porches. Handmade wicker furniture was beautiful and very durable. It required a new coat of white paint every few years but otherwise was maintenance free.
With the advent of mass produced merchandise came the demise of wicker furniture. The next cycle of outdoor furniture consisted of the terrible nylon webbing over aluminum pipes. This type of furniture was great in one respect because it was collapsible and light weight. It could easily be carried and would fit in the trunk of any car. It was great furniture to bring to baseball games and it was easy to store in sheds during the winter. This type of furniture was maintenance free unlike wicker bar stools but was pretty darn ugly and unattractive.
The next cycle of patio furniture or patio bar stools consisted of furniture constructed from wood. The best type of wood for this purpose was either teak or cedar. Both types of wood are resistant to insect infestation and rot. Furniture made out of this type of material are also very easy to maintain. It is also possible to find outdoor furniture made out of pine. This furniture can also be very beautiful but will require some protection from the elements and some annual maintenance.
As was previously mentioned, the cycle has come full circle and the newest and hottest type of patio furniture is now resin wicker patio furniture. Resin wicker patio bar stools come in all sorts of funky designs. There are backless wicker bar stools, rounded back wicker bar stools, and wicker seated bar stools. The best part of resin wicker bar stools is that are virtually maintenance free. A damp cloth is all you need to clean them. If you protect this furniture from the harsher elements it will stand up and look great for many years to come. In addition, this type of wicker stool can be easily found in a number of different locations.
A quick internet search will result in dozens of different distributors. Often these distributors will offer free delivery within a limited area or they may ship to a nearby depot area that is convenient to your home. From an online search you can review all of the different types of models and designs and thereby narrow you choice. Also many big box home renovation stores like Home Depot and Lowes will carry wicker bar stools among their seasonal furniture selections. You can also find this type of stool at specialty furniture shops.
Lastly, you can always choose custom made wicker bar stools. This will likely be your most expensive option. However, you will get exactly what you want and you will know that the furniture will be durable and last a life time. Well made wicker bar stools will come with a guarantee and can also be easily repaired by those with expertise in the field of wicker stools.
Wicker bar stools have a light weight airy appeal and are incredibly charming.